Pumpkin Season!

From pumpkin lattes, to pumpkin picking, all the way to pumpkin carving, this fall is filled with options for your favorite pumpkin treats and activities! We’re here to help you incorporate your local CT farms into your fall adventures this year- everything pumpkin of course!

U-Pick Pumpkins

First and foremost, you have to stop at one of your local farms to pick out your own pumpkins. This can be such a fun family activity, so check the weather to find the perfect day and head to one of the following U-Pick farms!

Not seeing a farm near you? Don’t sweat it! Head to CT Grown to find other local farms.

Pumpkin Puree!

Okay, before we jump into the delicious looking pumpkin recipes, let's talk puree first. A lot of fall recipes call for a can of pumpkin puree. Where it’s super easy and convenient to head to the store and buy a few cans of pumpkin puree, we’re going to step it up and make our own! 

I’m not going to lie, I was a little intimidated by the idea of making my own pumpkin puree at first. However, after researching many different ways to make it, I found this super EASY recipe. Click here to check it out. All you need is a pumpkin, an oven, and a food processor. That’s IT! How much easier can it get? I’m super excited to try it out and use it in some of the following pumpkin recipes!


Use your homemade pumpkin puree to bake some of these delicious fall foods!

Your kitchen will be smelling like fall in no time with these pumpkin recipes!

Kids Corner with Molly

Do you ever feel envious of the supermom who makes carving pumpkins with their kids look like a walk in the park? Well, I’m going to be brutally honest- the idea of pumpkin carving with my 3 and 5 year old completely terrifies me. Just hearing the words immediately sends a shiver up my spine thinking, “messy, dangerous, time consuming, exhausting, tantrums,” and so many other things I probably shouldn’t say out loud. I feel guilty even admitting the angst I get when thinking about pumpkin carving- but here we are. 

If you’re anything like me- you want to do fun pumpkin activities, but you’re just not sure you're exhausted, mom self can handle it- then try one of these other fun pumpkin alternatives with your kiddos!  

Let’s be honest, a big part of the reason why kids love pumpkin carving so much isn’t because of the beautiful jack o'lanterns they create, it’s because they are allowed to get messy and gooey -and who doesn’t love that, am I right?! Some of the other sticky, icky, ooey, gooey alternatives can include: painting pumpkins, making pumpkin seeds, and doing some fun science activities with them. You heard me right, science!

As a prior elementary school teacher, I used to do these following activities every fall with my students and they are SO quick and easy. This fall, I’ll try them out on my own kids! First, I plan on starting by having my kids weigh their pumpkins on our scale. Then we’ll do a “sink or float” activity where I’ll fill the bathtub with some water, have them predict whether their pumpkin will sink or float, and then test it out. Next, I’ll carve out the top of the pumpkin- maybe let them help if I’m feeling daring- and play the 5 senses game. With this game, kids can explain what they see, feel, taste, smell, and hear. It’s something so simple, but will give them the excuse to stick their hands in the gooey insides and get them talking about it! Last, I plan on having my kids help me scoop out the seeds to make pumpkin seeds- and who doesn’t love that?! yum! 

Don’t be too hard on yourself as a tired mom this fall! There are so many fun and easy things you can do with your pumpkins that don’t have to involve pumpkin carving. Which one will you choose to do?! Good luck!


2023 CT Ag Expo


Fall in Love with Fall!