Takeaway from the Team

And the time has come… reflecting on the year!

The team at Stanton Marketing has been lucky enough to do farm & winery visits, go to farmer’s markets, enjoy a CSA subscription, and so much more throughout the year.

But, let’s dive a little deeper and get some insight from everyone!

“What was your biggest takeaway from working with farms in 2023”


This quote really stuck with me: "If you eat today, thank a farmer." Farms are the core of our everyday lives: our produce, our dairy, our fruits, our vegetables, and so much more. In 2023, my appreciation for farms drastically changed for the good. I hope to continue to draw awareness to farms to give them the thanks they deserve. Farming may not be for everyone, but farms can be!


The amount of work and dedication it takes and how important & beneficial it is to support our local farms. I’ve loved involving my children in the process. They really enjoyed picking up our weekly CSA shares and visiting farmer’s markets and farms across the state.


Seeing how hard farmers work. You really don’t understand the in depth of what they do on a daily basis until you take the time to have a conversation with them. Going to weekly farmers markets and engaging with my local farmers I love hearing what’s in and out of season. 

Getting quality produce for my family. I know I can count on getting fresh and clean produce every week. 

And what comes to my mind is appreciation. Appreciating the hard work put in to have delicious goods provided by our farmers. 

As the saying goes - NO FARMS NO FOOD


My word of the year to describe my experience with farms in 2023 is resilient. While their resiliency isn’t just in 2023; each year comes new battles for farmers, but each year we see that much more resiliency. Whether it be a spike in necessary supply prices, a drop in market prices, weather mishaps, unforeseen hiccups, ect., you almost never see the farmer quit. They push through. They make do. They continue waking up to provide for us.

I hope that in the new year, more people see how incredibly important agriculture and farms are to EVERYONE, even if not everyone gets the joys of experiencing it like we do.

Visit farms! Buy Local! Thank a Farmer!

It’s not too late for you to share similar experiences as us! Start your 2024 with agriculture in mind — big or small, you can always support your local farmer!

Cheers to a New Year!


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